5 of the best lit movies

Lighting in movies is quite often something we don’t often think about, but it can be a huge impact in bringing the film to life.

Here are just a few of our favourite cleverly lit movies to enjoy getting through the January blues:

Skyfall has become one of the most successful James Bond movies of all time.
One of the most spectacular scenes in this James Bond movie was the huge LED screens with the blue fluorescent jellyfish. As well as other scenes that used neon lighting were breathtaking.



This Ridley Scott’s classic neo noir sci fi movie from 1982 is often voted one of the greatest films of all time even though it was originally a flop. The lighting for this movie had a major influence on this genre.



Tarantino is known for his cult-like movies and his distinctive style. He can often have unusual lighting in his movies. For example, in a number of his movies there are scenes that have no electricity, yet there will be a spotlight above characters at key moments. Lighting is powerful for movies and Quentin makes it not seem too obvious, blurring the boundaries between real and vague.




4. Se7en


The film about two homicide detectives’ desperate hunt for a serial killer. The dark and subdued tone of the movie is enhanced by the lighting. Combined with the dialogue, actions, setting and lighting, it all reinforces one another to paint a solid picture.





The cinematography of this film has made audience rate this as one the best. Low key lighting is used throughout the movie making the film seem unrealistic and giving it a bleak feel. Other scenes with Tyler are much harsher, emphasising the intensity of the character.


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